Send a mail to, with your name, which program you would like to do and which dates. Then we will send the booking form. In case you haven’t heard from us within 2 days, our or your mail has probably vanished into a spambox. Best to give us a call or send a whatsapp at +31 (0)611 387 147.
ARTISA Academic & Art Retreat
6579 AG Weverstraat 82, Kekerdom, NL
Location Italy:
62027, Località Pitino 98, San Severino Marche, Italy
KvK 10037792 The Netherlands
Artisa has been registered at the Central Register for Teaching, CRKBO, in The Netherlands. We are recognized as a professional training company. All courses and retreats are exempt from VAT. Universities and other institutions have various budgets to finance our programs. Contact your HRM expert for more information.